2nd RELOCAL Project Conference “The Role of the Local in Improving Cohesion and Spatial Justice”

Calendar on 7 Mar 2019

We are pleased to invite you to the 2nd RELOCAL Project Conference “The Role of the Local in Improving Cohesion and Spatial Justice: integrating place-based with top-down approaches to local development”, which will take place on 7th March 2019 at the premises of Lodz Agency for Regional Development and will be hosted by the Department of Regional and Social Geography, University of Lodz, Poland.

The RELOCAL Horizon 2020 Project is funded by the European Commission and runs from 2016 to 2020. The conference intends to provide the debate on contemporary approaches to local development addressing the challenge of socio-economic and territorial cohesion by emphasizing the role of place and territory, and their specific assets. One of the main aims of the conference is to make a room for joint discussion of representatives of related, ongoing or already finalized projects funded by European Commission Programs. Results of this discussion will be taken forward to shape the further work of the RELOCAL Project.

We invite scholars, practitioners and policy makers to share their insights as well as practical experience on identifying policies promoting spatial justice and socio-economic well-being at various levels of governance.

We welcome papers that discuss benefits from as well as challenges to, the integration of place-based and top-down approaches to local development. A crucial question is how to align the policy focus of national-regional and local governments in order to ensure that community or regional needs and preferences are better addressed. Paper abstracts of 200 words should be sent to paulina.tobiasz(at)geo.uni.lodz.pl. Abstracts submission deadline is 8th February 2019.
