We have a great honour to invite you to: IV International Scientific Conference – Problems and challenges of Transport Geography. The main objective of the conference is to create a proper environment for scientific discussion focused around theoretical, methodological and empirical problems of transport geography. It will also be a great opportunity to identify some research challenges while ensuring closer integration between scientific and research circles in Poland as it used to take place during historical meetings of transport geography in Arłamów and Polańczyk. We hereby invite all researchers, scientists, PhD students, students and enthusiasts being into transport and communication.
Conference sub-themes:
- New research concepts in transport geography,
- Spatial transformations of transport and communication networks,
- Innovations and progress in transport and communication,
- Challenges of sustainable development,
- Transport and communication networks management,
- Energy efficiency and safety in transportation,
- Research perspectives in transport geography.
Papers can be delivered in Polish, English and Russian.
Additional content:
- Conference website: http://kzsipp.geo.uni.lodz.pl/pl/konferencje-naukowe/konferencja-2019
- Conference poster.